Community Planning
Regional & Community Planning
Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning
The Northwest Alabama Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan provides strategies for strengthening community resilience to natural disasters. A cooperative project between NACOLG, the West Alabama Regional Commission, the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, and the North-Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments, the current plan includes Colbert, Franklin, Lamar, Lawrence, Marion, Walker and Winston Counties, and the eligible jurisdictions within each county. The plan fulfills requirements set forth by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, which requires jurisdictions to create a hazard mitigation plan to qualify for mitigation funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard mitigation plans require review and approval by FEMA, with updates submitted every five years.
Department Contacts:
Peggy Mighty, M.S., M.U.R.P. - Community Development Specialist/Planner