Community Development
Regional & Community Planning
NACOLG works closely with our counties, cities and towns to find funding resources which best match the community’s needs. Utilizing our experience and expertise, we strive to give the community an understanding of all options for their projects. While not every project can meet current funding guidelines for approval, NACOLG works diligently to find alternative funding to ensure a community’s needs are met.
Types of Community Development Projects:
Water/Sewer Infrastructure
Drainage Infrastructure
Street/Road Improvements
Parks and Recreation Facilities
Trails Systems
Sidewalk, Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Improvements
Downtown Revitalization
Housing Rehabilitation
Multipurpose Community Centers
Senior Centers
Fire Departments
Community Safe Rooms
Emergency grants for health and safety
Typical Community Development Funding Sources
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – ADECA (alabama.gov)
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs – CDBG Program
Northwest Alabama Resource Conservation and Development Council (RC&D)
Community Planning
NACOLG provides a variety of community planning services, including
Comprehensive development plans
Downtown plans
Land use plans
Subdivision master plans and regulations
Zoning ordinance creation and revision
Local, Regional & State Resources
Alabama Communities of Excellence https://www.alabamacommunitiesofexcellence.org/
Main Street Alabama https://www.mainstreetalabama.org/
Your Town Alabama https://www.yourtownalabama.org/
Department Contacts:
Tiffany M. Boyd, AIA - Director
Heath King - Economic Development Program Manager
Peggy D. Mighty, M.S., M.U.R.P, Community Development Specialist/Planner
Morgan Tittle - Revolving Loan Fund Manager
Cooper, Robert (Beau) - Regional Planner